This page explains how to try out Axiom without registration with the Axiom Playground. It walks you through an example where you run a website and you want to keep an overview of the HTTP requests to this site with Axiom.

1. Explore sample data

  1. Go to the Axiom Playground.
  2. Click the Datasets tab at the top of the page.
  3. In the list of datasets, click sample-http-logs.

This displays the fields in the sample dataset sample-http-logs. In Axiom, an individual piece of data is an event, and a dataset is a collection of similar events. In this example, an event is an HTTP request to your website, and the dataset holds incoming data about all these HTTP requests.

Run in Playground

2. Display stream of incoming data

  1. Click the Stream tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click sample-http-logs in the list.

You see the data that Axiom receives realtime. In this example, this page displays the HTTP requests to your imaginary website.

Run in Playground

3. Analyze data

Query data

  1. Click the Query tab at the top of the page, and then click Builder in the top left. This enables you to query your data with a visual query builder.
  2. In the Dataset section, select sample-http-logs from the list of datasets.
  3. In the Where section, click +.
  4. Write status == “500”, and then press Enter.
  5. Click Run.

You see all the HTTP requests with the status 500. This is important to know because this status indicates an internal server error, meaning that the server has encountered a situation that it can’t handle.

Run in Playground

Run an APL query

  1. Click the Query tab at the top of the page, and then click APL in the top left. This enables you to query your data with the Axiom Processing Language (APL). For more information, see Introduction to APL.
  2. In the text field, enter the following:
    | summarize count() by bin_auto(_time), status
  3. Click Run.

You see the number of HTTP requests of each status over time.

Run in Playground

4. Visualize data

  1. Click the Dashboards tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click Http logs in the list.

You see a dashboard that displays important information about the HTTP requests to the website.

What’s next

To try out Axiom with sample data, see Quickstart using sample data.

To check out Axiom with a sample app, see Get started with example app.